Adding and Editing

Joomla Tutorials: Adding and Editing Content and Images to a Joomla Web Site

This Joomla Tutorial covers how to create and edit content. There are two types of content in a Joomla web site. The two types of content are static content and content. Static content are pages that remain the same, are not categorized into a section or category and will not be syndicated (passed along to other sites if you have your syndication turned on).

How To Create New Content and Putting it in a menu

To create a new page from scratch, follow the instructions below.

1. Log in at

2. Along the top row of menus, choose "content"

3. In the drop down menu, click "All content items"

4. After the list of content loads, click "New" at the top right of the page.

5. You must type a title. You can leave the "alias" area blank.

6. Choose "News" from the "Section" drop down menu at the top.

7. Choose "Latest News" from the "Category" drop down menu.

8. In the editing area, type what you want the page to say. To create a new paragraph, you must hit "shift" and "enter" at the same time.

9. To add images, follow the instructions for adding images to content. (see above - starting page 4)

10. When you are finished with that, you will need to create a link for the menu. On the right of the page, near the top, you will see "parameters", "images", publishing" and such. Click the tab that says "link to menu".

11. In the list of menus, click "At the frog". Do not choose any of the other menus. If you do, it will disrupt the layout of the site.

12. Below the list of menus, type in the name of the link, such as "Space rental" or something similar, depending on the page you are adding.

13. Click "Link to Menu" below that.

14. Click the disk icon at the top of the page to save your page.

Editing Site Content (web site pages)

You can edit a web site page that is already on the site without having to log into the administration area if you have a log in area on your home page. Please read this entire page before editing the site.